

Puerto Vallarta Art Walk: Photo Re-cap

 Puerto Vallarta is such a beautiful city full of culture, lovely scenery and great food!  

My first visit to P.V. was last year in November, and I picked the right time to travel because the city was in the midst of Puerto Vallarta Art Walk. The  P.V. Art Walk was taking place for a week, and there were lots of art galleries open, art vendors on the street and beautiful art created with elements in nature, such as beach sand to create statues, figures, etc.  

Here is an example of one of the sand sculptures created:

The artist below is using these micro beads, wax and a sewing technique to create the suns below:

A beautiful sun:

Tons, and tons of crosses:

I loved the various mediums used in the pictures below:

 I loved the abalone incorporated into this piece below:


This brass sun was one of my favorites, and if I could afford it, I would have bought it:

Frida Kahlo art:

The colors are so brilliant:


Two bonitas:

Art made with glass, paint and oils:

 Love written in the sand with rocks:

Sidewalk art created using chalk:

Puerto Vallarta, Puerto are missed and on my list of places to re-visit.


Angelica said...

such a beautiful place, and such a beautiful art!

I would so much to visit that place!

I follow you!!!!

hope u follow me back ;)

Pharaohcious said...

wow! awesome-ness everywhere...